Hi, welcome to my little world.

Here, I write about everything, but I mostly focus on healthy lifestyles and relationships. All my stories come from my own experiences and experiments. I hope my journey finds a place in your heart and helps you in your learning process.

A little information about me...

Friends call me Vena. I have many roles, as you've read in my bio, "There is no one-size-fits-all way to live your best life." But I love to refer to myself as an entrepreneur. My primary business is related to real estate. I'm also a Yoga Teacher, running a small yoga clothing business, and conducting coffee reviews.

Other things I enjoy doing besides running my businesses..

I love books. I can sit and read for 1-3 hours when I find a good book. Writing is one of the things I enjoy the most; that's why I'm here on Medium. I also love coffee. For some reason, coffee shops have started inviting me to try their coffee. So, I've found a way to combine my love for coffee and writing.

Oh, I love mornings...

Really, I can jump into my bed and dream about my next morning. I love listening to the birds and the early morning winds (I'm addicted to them). I love warm morning water and talking to my plants while I water them. (Do you think it's weird?)

I love dogs...

Living in Bali makes it hard not to love them. Feeding stray dogs is the best stress reliever after a bunch of office work. I have three rescued dogs, named Sunny, Percy, and Mauddy. They're my morning alarm.

I enjoy learning about different cultures...

I've traveled to more than 20 provinces in Indonesia, from east to west. However, that's not enough because Indonesia consists of 38 provinces, more than 17,000 islands, more than 300 ethnic groups and cultures, and dozens of languages. For now, I'll take a break and try to explore other countries and cultures.

My little History...

I was born and raised in North Sulawesi, Indonesia. My parents used to move from one island to another, so I started traveling from a very young age. I was one of the survivors of the riots in Poso, Indonesia, in 1998 and 2000. I witnessed the tragedy that took many lives, so I value peace immensely.

After moving to different places, my family settled in Papua on the east side of Indonesia. It was there that I began to take an interest in cultures. Since my parents are priests and missionaries, I had the opportunity to travel to the most rural areas in Papua and experience unique cultures that I couldn't find anywhere else in the world. The natives had cultural practices where women didn't wear bras or tops, and there were unique traditions for women during their period. It was truly eye-opening.

Afterward, I moved to the western side for my studies, lived in the capital city for work, and now I'm running my business on the Island of Gods. My life has become an interesting journey, and I love it.

I hope my writing can be of help to anyone who needs it the most.

Trivena GV

Trivena GV

Vinyasabyvena.com | Yoga Teacher | Practice Stoic in daily life | Varies in nature and art of life | There is no one-size-fits all to live your best life