Learn to Be Good to Yourself by Set Boundaries
The healthiest thing you could do for yourself is to set boundaries so you can protect yourself and communicate to people your standards. What you’re okay and not okay with. How you choose to be treated and what you won’t tolerate.
The healthiest thing you could do for yourself is to set boundaries because if you don’t, people will always be okay with disrespecting you or walking all over you without apologizing for it. Some people prefer that you set your boundaries so low so they can benefit from it and some of them want to keep having the upper hand so they can cross the line whenever they feel like it.
You do not set boundaries to upset people, you set boundaries to protect and please yourself. You’re not trying to control anyone or lecture anyone but you’re showing people who you are and giving them the choice to either take it or leave it. Boundaries also show you who truly wants to stay in your life and who just wants you in theirs under their own conditions.
You’re allowed to set boundaries and keep reinforcing them until people understand. You’re allowed to create a healthy space for you and those who come into your life. You’re allowed to walk away from those who constantly violate your boundaries and disrespect you. You’re allowed to prioritize your needs without feeling guilty about it.
The healthiest thing you could do for yourself is to set boundaries because they help you cleanse your environment and focus more on self-love and self-care. They allow you to establish silent rules for people who mistreat you or belittle you. They allow you to concentrate your energy on yourself rather than the people who mishandle you.
People sometimes make you feel bad about your boundaries in an attempt to violate them or make you rethink your boundaries but the truth is, one of the hardest things you could do is to set boundaries with those you love because we’re naturally inclined to please them at the expense of our own happiness. We’re naturally inclined to say yes to those we love even if we want to say no because it’s easier to avoid conflict than to stand our ground but as the saying goes, you are not required to set yourself on fire to make people warm and it’s empowering to walk away from something that isn’t serving you, even from the closest people to you.
Boundaries reflect your values and your character and they give people a choice to either act or leave. You need to set limits because people rarely do and it’s your job to make it known one way or another that you don’t accept the things you are not okay with and if people get upset when you do, then they weren’t in your life for the right reasons.
The healthiest thing you could do for yourself is to set boundaries because it’s the easiest way to reveal people’s true colors and true intentions. It’s the easiest way to filter out those who weren’t true to you to begin with.